🪶 about 🪶

Hi, my name is Ryan Atkinson and I'm an independent web developer. I'm trying to make powerful and simple tools to help people be creative and productive in social contexts. I'm driven by curiosity and wanting to improve our lives with technology.
My work is open source on GitHub and this website's homepage lists my ongoing projects.
I work on the web because for all its flaws, it's a collectively-governed sandboxed platform with backwards compatibility that runs everywhere, reaching more people with less friction than anything else. I care a lot about performance and giving power to users throughout the stack.
- In 2019 I started doing full-time open source, publishing almost all my code for free with permissive licenses.
- I was initially self-taught (ty internet) and I've been working as a JS-oriented web dev since 2011.
- I learned to code wanting to be a game programmer, but I fell in love with the web at my first job.
- My interest in making games continues as a hobby in cosmicplayground.org, Earbetter, Svelte Snake Sports, and other abandonings and future projects.
- I like Svelte and SvelteKit so much that you shouldn't trust my opinion on it.
contact me
- I'm looking for work! Here's my resume
- @ryanatkn on GitHub, YouTube, and npm
- Mastodon as @ryanatkn@fosstodon.org and @ryanatkn@hci.social (professional)
- @webdevladder on YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, and HN
- also @webdevladder@fosstodon.org on Mastodon
- mail@ryanatkn.com